Hi to all wandering feet of the cyberworld! You have just added a little life to my blog. This is basically my journal of my travels and where I am currently located - Abu Dhabi. You will find my detailed journey of gaining my documents to finally landing myself inside this cold room my husband and I call home. Feel free to drop some of your pov's too.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to the world of the not rich but well traveled people. This is where the daily grind of the 8-5 working hours is used as the top excuse to put your favorite banker in your speed dial program. This is where having a bus ride going to nowhere is considered a luxury worth gushing to your girlfriends over a chilled lattes while enjoying the view of an exotic beach. This is the world of the Mindanao Trotter who thinks that there is more to Mindanao than canon balls and feudal wars.

If you think you own the heart of an adventurer, then this is your site. This will give you anything you need to know without the cost of a travel agent in discovering the clear blue waters and white sand beaches surrounding Mindanao. Or camp out into the wilderness to enjoy scenic views of untouched forests. Or simply relax in the cities, where people smiled a lot and served Durian flavored delicacies that will surely have you coming back here and ask for more.

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